IDL Build Properties

The IDL Build Properties page controls a project’s build properties. To set a project’s run properties, refer to IDL Project Properties.

To display the IDL Build Properties page, right click on a project in the Project Explorer, select Properties, then in the Properties dialog, select the IDL Build Properties page.

Tip: The settings on this page are organized in the order in which they will be executed during a project build. The check boxes control which options are actually executed during a build. Deselecting a checkbox will cause that step to be skipped during the build.




Execute .RESET_SESSION before building project

If this property is selected and the Build in a separate IDL session property is not selected, the .RESET_SESSION executive command is run in the main IDL process at the start of the project build.


Build in a separate IDL session

If this property is selected, IDL will execute all the project build commands in a IDL_IDLBridge process (a child of the main IDL process).

This option allows you to build your project in a “clean” IDL session without needing to use the .RESET_SESSION executive command in your active IDL session. If this property is selected, the value of the Execute .RESET_SESSION before building project property is ignored.

See Building IDL Projects for more details.


Restore save files from referenced projects

If this property is selected, all SAVE files that are created by referenced projects are restored.

Use the Project Reference page on the Project Properties dialog to add referenced projects.


IDL pre-process command to execute before compiling

The contents of the text box will be executed as an IDL command before the project files are compiled.

This text box can also be used to create a "custom" build command. For example, you could deselect all of the other options on the page (except the SAVE file creation). Then create a batch file called "buildproject" containing your .compile and resolve_all commands. You could then automatically run this batch file during the project build by entering the following text:



Compile Project Files

If this property is selected, the build process will compile all the PRO files in the project and restore project SAVE files that contain IDL routines.

Click Configure Project Compile Order to open the IDL Compile Order page. This property page allows you to control the order in which the project files are compiled.



If this property is selected, the following IDL command will be executed as part of the build:


Note: The SKIP_ROUTINES='envi' is necessary when building an ENVI extension. It is quietly ignored if ENVI is not installed or you are not building an ENVI extension.

See RESOLVE_ALL for more information.


IDL post-process command to execute after compiling

The contents of the text box will be executed as an IDL command after the project files are compiled.

For example, you might create a batch file named postprocessing to clean up temporary files created during your custom build. You could then automatically run this batch file after the project build by entering the following text:



Create a save file

If this property is selected, an IDL SAVE file is created to hold the result of the build process. When this property is selected, the License the save file property is also enabled.

The name of the resulting SAVE file is displayed in the associated text box. By default, the SAVE file is created in the project directory (represented by a dot in the path), the base name of the file is the same as the project, and the extension is.sav. Click Browse to change the default location or filename.


License the save file

If you purchased an IDL Developer’s Kit license from NV5 Geospatial Solutions, you can select this property to create a licensed SAVE file.

This option is disabled if you do not have a Developer’s Kit license, or if you are not creating a save file.


Create build script in editor

If you click this button, a project build script is generated and inserted inside a new Workbench editor. The content of this script is based upon the above build properties.